All entries must complete an entry form (deadline for entry is Feb. 1st with payment) 10 Teams Limit.
Required to produce three (3) gallons or more of their specialty Gumbo and Two (2) Gallons of rice.
You are responsible for dishing out samples to the crowd and collecting their payment (in ticket format).
Entrants will supply their own propane stove/BBQ, table, chairs, & canopy. Table cloths, paper towels, ingredients, cookware,and Ladles. (Bowls, Cups and Spoons, Napkins will be provided)
Extension Cords and power strips if using electrical warming devices.
You must be set up by 9am with vehicles out of the park area.
Your booth area will be 10*10. Decorations of booths are encouraged, but not required.
Spots will be assigned, so you must check in before setting up.
All ingredients must be safe for public consumption.
Entrants must clean their area when the event is over.
All teams will keep their areas clean and sanitary. Bring garbage bags for good housekeeping.
All pots must be covered except when stirring or serving to minimize contamination. Please have hair pulled back with a hair net or hat.
Please have Ingredient sign available